My Story – To stop myself from going crazy during another long Melbourne lockdown in 2020…

I decided to drag out that little hobby sewing machine that my husband had given to me as a Christmas gift a couple of years earlier and start making colourful face masks just for fun!
There was a short supply of surgical face masks at the beginning of the pandemic so before too long I was making reusable facemasks for my friends and colleagues and selling them at a modest price just to cover the materials.
The more I sewed the more I enjoyed it and soon began experimenting with all sorts of creations – cushion covers, hair scrunchies, curtains, tote bags, table runners, pillow cases, and even intricate patchwork quilts!

Then one day at my work as an Early Child Educator my manager suggested that I try my hand at making some bibs, and that if they were of acceptable quality the centre would buy them from me rather than their usual supplier.
So I went about making some samples and took them in. My manager loved them and and immediately placed an order for another 50, then another 100 and the rest is history.
Happy to say that I now have a professional sewing machine which I just love and those first few bibs that I made were still in use after 2 years of unprecedented abuse and hundreds of washing and drying cycles.
That’s why I’m proud of my products. Because they are not just made with love, they are made to last and last which means excellent value for money. And that’s the most important thing for my customers.